Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pain Relief Without Pills (soma)

Numerous Pain Killer Drugs have been manufactured and now in the market but many people are uncomfortable with the idea of taking a pill regularly for pain relief.

Among the most popular pain reliever is Soma, muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations between the nerves and the brain. Soma comes handy online through and drug stores.

Based on statistics from the American Pain Foundation, there are more than 50 million Americans suffering from chronic pain, or 25 million experiencing acute pain as a result of injury or surgery.

However, because of news on serious side effects of the pain killers, medical experts tried to unravel other remedies to ease pain aside from taking the pill.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, more pain relief approaches that have been discovered. Effectiveness, of course, depends on the patient and there is no guarantee that what seem effective to one may be as effective on another person.

Some of the non-drug remedies include snake oil in various shapes and sizes, and we know that has been around for ages.

However, before trying any pain relief approaches, it is important to talk with your doctor. Some therapies may not be safe or appropriate for you, even if they are of the non-pharmaceutical kind.

Different factors need to be considered before undergoing any treatment, including your medical condition and history.

At the same time, keep in mind that none of the resources available are perfect pain remedies. They may not provide complete pain relief. They do not work the same for everyone.

A patient may have to try a number of different strategies and combine some of them before finding an acceptable level of pain relief.

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